Streaming Forum CONNECT Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors


3Q is one of the leading streaming technology providers in Europe and has operated a powerful and robust video OTT platform for video streaming since 2009. We provide a SaaS video management and streaming solution, either in the cloud or on premise for companies of all sizes. All of our software and infrastructure is operated in accordance with European data protection guidelines.


castLabs pioneers software and cloud services for digital video markets worldwide. We provide solutions to easily enable the secure playback of DRM-secured premium content over a large selection of consumer devices and platforms for high-quality video experiences. The range of applications and services include the PRESTOplay SDKs for playback across all screens, Video Toolkit for encoding/packaging/encryption/watermarking, and the multi-DRM license delivery network, DRMtoday. We also supply end-to-end expert technical consulting for video delivery projects. 


nanocosmos is a Berlin-based company and leading Cloud provider of an integrated ultra-low latency live streaming solution for commercial live streaming providers. nanoStream Cloud delivers a combination of software, global CDN services, and live player including ABR and analytics.