
Streaming Forum CONNECT is brought to you by Streaming Media, the world's No 1 resource for the global online video community.

Streaming Forum CONNECT attracts senior level tech decision makers and influencers who join us each year to understand and appoint the best providers of live streaming, OTT, enterprise and educational video, encoding and transcoding, next-gen TV, VR video, video production, content delivery, content monetisation, and more.

Limited sponsorship opportunities are available for this new series of video webinars. For more information, or to book your sponsorship, please contact:

UK & Europe -
Kat Allen
E: kat.allen@streamingmedia.com
T: +44 (0)7712 583784

North America & Rest of the World -
Joel Unickow
E: joel@streamingmedia.com
T: +1 250.993.1111
Mob: +1.250.797.5635